Thursday, November 27, 2008

I've been tagged.

I got tagged by Abi. I’ll play :)

Here are the tag rules:
Rule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.

Here are my six random things:

#1. I'm a sucker for a romance novel. I get so into a book that I can block out the tv or someone talking to me. hee One of my favourite authors is Nora Roberts.

#2. I gave up coffee in May of 2004. I love the smell of coffee and miss the taste of it. *sigh*

#3. I can draw a floor plan in my head and "walk" through it. I can also translate that plan to paper.

#4. I'm a lazy sod. lol And a procrastinator. If I can put something off until later I'll do that. I could sleep all day and read or stitch all night if I was allowed.

#5. I don't wear make-up and I have no clue how to use a curling iron. I "think" I'm using the hair dryer properly, but I'm not sure. :s

#6. I lived in Toronto for 2 months when I was 19. I still miss the subway.

I will tag:
1. Lindsay
2. Annette
3. Whiz
4. Rebekah
5. Rachel
6. Amanda

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mmm... Food.

Tonight was the Second Annual Christmas Dessert Recipe Exchange at the church.
Who ever wants to come brings a dessert. Either something they've never made before, or something that they always make at Christmas. If they want to, they can submit the recipe for the dessert that they've brought and can sign up to receive a recipe book of all the recipes submitted.

Last year I made Gingerbread Truffles. This year I made Holly Wreaths.
I forgot to get a picture of the Holly Wreaths and I wasn't blogging last year to even think about taking a picture of the Truffles. I can get a picture of the Holly Wreaths tomorrow when I pick my tin up from the church. (I left early and didn't want to take the cookies away)

I'll be making truffles again this year and will take pictures of all the flavours I make. I'll try to take pictures of each stage and blog about it seperately.

I ate too much stuff. hee

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stitching & Stuff

I can't add pictures yet, but I've finished and mailed my first squares to Jenn for the Fair and Square exchange. Not to worry, I will post piccies once Jenn receives her exchange. :P

*hmm* Which round to sign up for next? hee

I've gotten a few bits of stash, patterns by Little House Needleworks. And I'm expecting some more stash from 123 Stitch that will include a pattern from Elizabeth's Designs. I love the houses and cottages from both of these designers and I can't wait to stitch them.

The stash coming is the flossies for the Sisterhood chart I mentioned in my last post. My fabbie is coming from Sparklies in the UK. This is the first time I've ordered from the company, but I enjoy chatting with her on the cross stitch message boards. She's been a pleasure to order from, absolutely keeps me in the loop of what's going on with my order.

I've received my order from Fire Mountain Gems. Now I can get some jewelry made that's been ordered for Christmas gifts.

The set will look similar to the set I made to donate to our Home Hardware Ladies Night benefitting Canadian Breast Cancer Society. Except the pick stones will be darker. The single necklace will be silver, black, and grey and suitable for a guy.

Necklace, bracelet and earrings. Silver chain, crystal cubes, white pearls, rose quartz chips.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Sisterhood has arrived.

She arrived in the mail on Friday. Just before I headed out to work.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, this is the Sisterhood.
I was the lucky person to receive this lovely pattern next.

My Needle and My Floss,They Comfort Me by Waxing Moon Designs

I've got a plan for colours, I just have to get the materials to stitch her.
When I am finished stitching her, she will move to the next lovely stitcher.

I feel glad to be a part of this wonderful group of stitchers.
I wonder if the people at Waxing Moon Designs ever imagined that one of their designs would travel the world from stitcher to stitcher with nothing changing hands but the pattern itself?

I love my craft. =)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lest We Forget.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
- Lt.-Col. John McCrae