My sore throat started Saturday night. I missed church and had Monday off. The sore throat is still here, along with a cough and sinus congestion.
Now, after all that information you didn't want to know, here's the stitching. LOL
Wednesdays this month I'm stitching on Mirabilia's Winter Queen.
This is how far I got last Wednesday.
March 11, 2009
And this is how far I got this Wednesday.
March 18, 2009
I'm almost half done Shannon's pumpkin. I hope she likes it. The flossies came at the beginning of the week. When I'm done the pumpkin I'll stitch the March biscornu, then Melinda's halloween block.
This weekend I'll have my partner info for Spring Round on Fair & Square so next week will be deciding what to stitch.
10 years ago